This procedure aims to select a contractor to conduct four types of specific training for “Working with unmanned aerial vehicles” of 40 unemployed / inactive people. The service is performed in connection with the implementation of a Grant Agreement №BG05M9OP001-1.57-104- С01 entitled “Training of future employees of Aero Vision EOOD”, which is carried out with the financial support of the project selection procedure BG05M9OP001-1.57 ” SKILLS” of the Operational Program “Human Resources Development ”2014 -2020, co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund and includes the following separate positions:
Lot 1: “Drone operator – photographer”;
Lot 2: ‘Drone operator with photogrammetric equipment’;
Lot 3: “Drone operator with thermal camera”;
Lot 4: “Drone operator with laser scanner”.
The application forms can be accessed from the following link: Public invitation
By Decision №2 / 13.06.2020 of the Manager of Aero Vision Ltd the procedure for selection by public invitation was terminated on the grounds of Art. 9, para. 5 of the Council of Ministers 160 / 01.07.2016.
With Decision №3 / 15.06.2020 of the Manager of “Aero Vision” EOOD the selection procedure with a public invitation has been restored, as the necessary documents can be accessed at the following link: Public invitation